Oct 25, 2011

Trip to Plano

This past weekend we headed up to Plano to spend some time with my parents and sister. We had a jam-packed weekend, but it was so much fun!

We headed out Friday morning for a non-eventful 3.5 hour drive up I35. Check out these best buds…

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We got to Plano just in time for Jon to take a conference call,  so Aedan and I hung out until everyone got home/done with work. Once everyone was free, we walked down to the neighborhood park. Aedan had a blast swinging, going down the slides and following around my parent’s dog Ruby (“ru-beeeee” as Aedan calls her). After the park, it was home for a yummy dinner and a relaxing night around the house.

I took zero pictures on Saturday, I guess I was too busy enjoying myself. Oh well.

Saturday morning my mom, Aedan and I headed over to a huge consignment store. I stocked up on fall/winter clothes for Aedan and got 8 long sleeve shirts, 2 pairs of pants and a jacket for under $50, not bad! My mom picked up a couple of new toys for Aedan to play with at their house, which of course Aedan loved.

We all took a long afternoon nap and then got ready for a Halloween party. My parent’s best friends throw an amazing party every year. It was so fun to see old family friends. I have know most of the families since I was 5/6 years old and now most of us kids have our own kids, which is so fun to see. Aedan had a blast and may or may not have eaten more sugar than he has ever had before. He even got his first lollipop and was in love. Haha! We stayed out until his sugar high crashed and I think he was asleep about 5 minutes after we put him down.

Sunday morning we got up early and headed down to the Dallas Zoo. The weather was great and there was no one there first thing in the morning. Aedan had fun checking out all the animals and my mom and sister even rode a camel.

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We came home for lunch and a quick nap before going to meet our good friends Steven and Allison at a pumpkin patch. Aedan did pretty well until we were about to leave and trying to take a group picture. Then he lost it. Sigh, what can you do?

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We headed home for dinner and put Aedan to bed pretty early (he had a long day!). Once he was down, my dad, sister and her boyfriend, Jon and I headed down to a haunted house. I think it has been a good 8+ years since I have been to a haunted house. It was pretty fun and I think we are going to make it an annual tradition.

We were up early Monday morning to head home so Jon could get to work. As soon as we got home, I got everything unpacked, clothes washed and the house cleaned so I could be ready for the week.

We had such a fun weekend! It was great to see everyone and I know Aedan had a blast!


Oct 22, 2011

Videos of Aedan

It has been awhile since I posted a video of Aedan. I have gotten really bad about taking videos of him. Jon always has cute video clips on his phone and I was jealous. So, new goal, take a short video clip of Aedan as much as possible.

Here is a demo of Aedan’s mopping skills.

Not bad, right? My video taping skills are lacking though, I really need to work on that.

Here is another one I took while Aedan was swinging (hopefully it doesn’t make anyone motion sick!). It is seriously just a fraction of the things Aedan says on a daily basis…


Oct 20, 2011

A Few of My Favorites–Beauty Edition

Today I thought I would make a list of my favorite beauty products. You know instead of working on a progress report, cleaning the house or doing laundry during Aedan’s nap. I love reading other’s favorite things post, so why not…

First off, I have been using this face wash for the past 3+ years. I occasionally try something different and then remember why I have been using it for so long. It works for me and I feel like it gets my skin clean.

I also use this eye makeup remover. I have been using this stuff since high school. My grandmother started buying it for me and I have never used anything else. I am honestly not even sure where to buy it since I have had my current bottle for forever (and I use it just about every night). When I was in drill team in high school, we had to wear a lipstick called Cherries in the Snow. It was awful. I don’t like lipstick and this one was horrible and stayed on forever. Seriously, it would never come off. But when I used this stuff it came off beautifully.

Borghese Gentle Make Up Remover Facial Liquid Cleansers

I have never used anything special on my hair. Obviously I wash it with shampoo and conditioner (oh, anyone have a good conditioner that detangles?? I need one!), but other than that I don’t put anything in it. When I got it cut a couple of months ago the ends felt so healthy and I wanted to keep them that way so I started using this heat protectant. I really like it and notice a big difference when I use it vs. when I forget.

I am not a big makeup person. I wear it, but not a lot of it. In fact all the makeup I own fits into my Vera Bradley bag, which I love. So even though I don’t own a lot of it, there are a few products that I love.

I recently started using Mac Paint Pot in Painterly. It is the perfect base for any eye shadow or to just wear alone.

The other thing that I have been using for a good 6 months now is the VitaZing moisturizer from Origins. I love, love, love it. It is like a tinted moisturizer but it is the best one I have ever tried. Most days I put it on with a little powder and I am good to go. It comes out of the bottle a cream color, but then as you rub it in it adds a tint and gives some coverage, it’s amazing!

VitaZingâ„¢ What about you guys? Favorite beauty item?


Oct 18, 2011

19 Months!

I can not believe Aedan is closer to two years old instead of one year already. I thought his first year went fast, but this one is going by so much faster!


Aedan, what are you not doing these days?!? You are so busy!

  • I think you are probably around 26 lbs. You are still wearing size 3 diapers, which cracks me up, since you have been wearing that size since you were 6 months old! You are too skinny for size 4. You wear size 24 month/2T (can someone tell me why these are two different sizes??) in shirts and size 18 months in pants. You wear size 5 wide in shoes; you still have chubby feet!
  • You would probably drink milk 24/7 if we let you, but most days I limit you to 2 glasses. You love orange juice and get so excited when I give it to you some mornings. You are okay with apple juice, but I think you like water better.
  • You are still talking all the time and coming up with more words everyday. Yesterday I found you following Hiro around and telling him to “da pit” (drop it) because you wanted to throw his ball.
  • You absolutely love Hiro. You follow him around all the time and ask for him as soon as you wake up in the morning and from your nap. You even insist on him coming in for story time before bed every night. Too cute!
  • Speaking of sleep, you still go to bed between 7:30/8 and you have started to sleep in if we let you. Most mornings you wake up around 8, but this last weekend you slept until 9! You are taking a great afternoon nap, usually from 12-3. I wasn’t sure I would like it when you went down to one nap, but I love it! We get so much done in the mornings and I get lots of work done while you are asleep.
  • You love playing with your cars, blocks, bouncy balls and all your other toys, but what you love most is sweeping and mopping. You get so excited when I tell you were are going to vacuum (with the floor vacuum; you still are not a huge fan of the carpet vacuum), and you love to pull out the steam mop or broom. Your daddy says it means that I clean too much since you love to imitate. :) Maybe so, but your future wife will thank me someday.

Aedan, each time I look at you, I just can not get over how big you have gotten. You can do so many fun things and are so precious to us. We love you so much and are having so much fun watching you learn everyday. Love, mommy


Oct 14, 2011

I love Fridays. It's the end of the week, the cusp of the weekend, and a fun day all around.

On Friday mornings, Aedan and I got to Gymboree. He loves it! I'm pretty sure he could climb on the play equipment there all day.

He also loves the bubbles...

After Gymboree, we ran a few errands and came home for lunch. While Aedan napped, I worked on a progress report and cleaned up the house.

Aedan woke up from his nap and we played until Jon finished up work early. Then we decided to hit up Costco to stock up on a few things and then had dinner at Kirby Lane.

Now we are home, Aedan is asleep, and I think Jon and I may watch a movie. Yes, that is our Fridays; Gymboree, errands, out to dinner and home for a movie. I love it!! :)

Oh and my sister has a question for you all...she got invited to an evening wedding at a nice hotel in Dallas. The invite says black tie affaire. Does that mean full length dress? What would you wear??


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Oct 9, 2011

Our Weekend and a Pinterest Project

We actually got rain this weekend. As in it rained for more than 5 minutes at a time! Jon and I woke up last night to the sound of heavy rain and it continued all morning and is still sprinkling now. Maybe fall weather is actually here!?!?

Friday evening we headed down to Town Lake and did some walking/jogging (I’m trying to get back into working out!). After a little workout, we picked up dinner at P Terry’s and ate at one of our favorite parks. Aedan had a blast running around.

Saturday morning while I got my hair done, Jon and Aedan went down to Cabela’s. We all got back just in time for lunch and then everyone took a long nap. When Aedan finally woke up, we headed out to do a little shopping. We browsed World Market, picked up some fall clothes for Aedan at Old Navy and picked up a new Xbox game for Jon at Best Buy. We came home for dinner and just enjoyed a quiet night at home.

This morning we went to breakfast at Dan’s and then came home and got the house cleaned before lunch. While Aedan napped, I ran a few errands and got the supplies to make my first Pinterest project. If you haven’t heard of Pinterest, you must check it out. If you need an invite, let me know.

So here is my inspiration…

Pinned Image


And here is mine…


I found the hurricane glass at Target for $9 and then the peas, beans and corn kernels were just a few dollars. I decided to do one bigger glass and left out the candle. I may change it up later, but for now I like it just the way it is on our kitchen table.


Oct 5, 2011

Mid Week Update

Man, where has the week gone? Last Friday while I was at my conference, I got a text for Aedan’s sitter saying she thought Aedan was coming down with a cold. Jon picked him up early and the poor guy was pretty miserable all day.  Then Saturday, Jon started to feel bad and sure enough on Sunday I started to feel sick. We are all just now starting to get over this cold.

We tried not to let being sick ruin our weekend. The weather was amazing and it has been too hot for way to long, so we took advantage of it. Saturday morning we went for a hike on the Greenbelt with some good friends. Then Sunday morning, Aedan and I meet my good friend Larissa and her son at the park for a breakfast play date. Other than that, we just relaxed around the house and all enjoyed long afternoon naps.

Oh and check out this expressive guy…

_MG_6105 This is Aedan’s surprised face, which he does when he is legitimately surprised and on command, especially when it is to impress the ladies. What a mess!


_MG_6107And this is what he does when I ask him to say “cheese” and smile. Oh my.
