Apr 16, 2010

My Grandfather (Paw Paw)

On Easter Sunday my grandfather passed away. He was diagnosed with stomach cancer just six weeks before. He and my grandmother lived in Galveston and when we found out about the cancer I was already in the last few weeks of my pregnancy and could not travel down to see him. It all happened so fast and with Aedan being so young, Jon and I were not able to travel down for the funeral. I wish we could have been there.

I am so thankful that he was not in any pain and that my mom and her sister were able to be with him and my grandmother during his last few days. My mom said the funeral was beautiful and full of family and friends that loved him dearly. He was such a wonderful and sweet man. I have so many good memories of our visits together. I am sad that Aedan will never get to know his great grandfather but I know he will grow up hearing stories about him.

SchmittPhoto-032507-839 Dear Paw Paw, I love you always.




Chelsa said...

so sorry about your paw paw. my papaw died last April17th... 1 year ago today... wow. He had cancer also. I still think of him daily. I was a major papaw's girl. Brycen still talks about papaw richard all the time, but it makes me sad that Corbin won't ever know him...

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Paw Paw. That is such a sweet picture of you two. :)