Dec 20, 2016

Birthday Celebrations

My birthday was a couple of weeks ago and I had a week of celebrations!

My parents had us over for dinner and dessert. It was delicious! They also got me a new mixer! I had my grandmother’s old one but the motor was wearing down. I love the color of the new one!

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Adelaide and I put it to use right away and made sugar cookies!

2016-12-05 16.33.08

Jon took the day of my birthday off and did all the car runs to and from both schools. It was so nice! He also took the kids out and they brought me home flowers. While the kids were at school, Jon and I went out and did some birthday shopping and had lunch together.

2016-12-08 15.02.25

That night, we all cuddled up for cookie and a Christmas movie!

2016-12-06 19.13.10

Later that week, I went out with some girl friends for a birthday brunch. It was so nice to spend time together before the craziness of the holidays started!



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