Oct 11, 2012

36 Weeks


How Far Along: 36 weeks
Size of Baby: A honeydew melon
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Enough. :)
Gender: Hopefully still a girl. :) Adelaide Caroline
Movement: Lots of movement.
Sleep: Not so bad lately. Once I get comfortable I fall asleep pretty fast and sleep well. She has dropped now, so I don’t have nearly as much heartburn anymore.
Maternity Clothes: Same as before, and I am getting tired of them. I am tired of wearing jeans that I keep having to pull up all the time. I think I may just stick to yoga pants for the duration of this pregnancy unless I have to go to work!
Symptoms: I had an appointment on Tuesday and my doctor said I was still about the same, 3cm and 80% effaced, which is exactly what happened with Aedan too. I have had a few real contractions but mostly I am just uncomfortable. I have a lot of ligament pain under my belly and I am just ready to be done!
Aversions: Same as before, there are still a few things that made me sick early on that I just don’t like to think about.
Cravings: Fruit and ice water and sweet things (not great for the weight gain).
What I miss: Not feeling so big and having a hard time moving around/playing with Aedan on the floor.
Worst Moment of the week: Can’t think of a practically bad moment, just more of the same, busy and worn out.
Best Moment this week: I bought blinds and a curtain rod for the nursery so as soon as I can get Jon to hang them up, it will be done and I can share some pictures! 


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