Sep 22, 2009

It Feels Like Fall

We had tons of rain last night and with that came a cold front!

I know a lot of you all who live just a few hours north of us in Dallas got it as well, but you have to understand here in Austin, the cold front rarely makes it to us. Usually it stops somewhere around Waco. It is normal for it to be a good 10 degrees warmer here than Dallas, so imagine how wonderful it is that we got rain (lots of rain) and nice cool crisp air!

I didn’t have to work today and my class tonight got cancelled because my professor and her whole family have the H1N1 flu. Speaking of which, I found out today that 2 of my classmates have it and 1 of my clients has it right now as well. Wonderful. I am just hoping it will skip me!!

Tonight Jon and I were good little home owners and went to our neighborhood watch meeting. It was outside, which was great. We had to wear jackets! In our neighborhood we have a couple of pass-through streets that no houses face so they can be easily blocked off making a great place for everyone to come together. At tonight's meeting we talked about National Night Out, which for us is coming up on October 6th. I am so excited, we are having a cook out and it will be such a great time to meet some more of our neighbors. We also talked about Halloween. We are going to have another neighborhood party that weekend, which should be lots of fun.

Okay, I’m off to eat dinner. Jon and I actually made a menu for this week and so far its been great not having to worry about what’s for dinner (not that I really had to worry before since I rarely never cook). :)


1 comment:

Brittney said...

We are enjoying the cold front in Del Rio as well! Totally know what it's like to have all the surrounding cities get the rain and cooler weather. The last two days have been cooler than 70 and rained all morning and afternoon today. Makes me smile :) I looooove fall!