Aug 20, 2010

Baby Food

When I was pregnant, Jon decided that he wanted us to make our own baby food once Aedan was ready to eat solids. It was something I have never thought about, but after looking into it, it seemed like a great idea. Well now, here we are, Aedan is 5 months old and ready for solids! Yay!

I ordered this book a few weeks ago to help out our baby food making adventure.

imagesIt is a great book! It tells you what foods are recommended for each stage (6-8 months, 8-10 months and 10-12 months). It gives easy instructions on how to pick out, how much to buy and how to cook and freeze each type food.  It also gives recommendations  for foods that taste good combined together and variations to each recipe (like adding a little cinnamon to applies once Aedan is a little older).

So far we have made sweet potatoes, acorn squash, pears and apples. Since we are just starting out, we are introducing things slowly, but so far Aedan likes sweet potatoes, pears and apples (we are going to try acorn squash this weekend).

It is so easy to make everything!

IMG_2933 For the sweet potatoes I just washed and peeled them and then chopped them up. I added a little bit of water and put it in the microwave in a covered dish for about 10 minutes.


Once they were cooked and had cooled a little bit, I put them in the food processor with a little bit more water and pureed them. Then I just froze them over night in covered ice cube trays (they make trays just for baby food, but for half the price you can just use a covered ice cube one). Once they were frozen I just moved them to freezer bags and labeled them. Now I just pull out a couple of cubes per meal for Aedan. So easy!


Aedan approves. :)



Chelsa said...

You're such a good momma!
And he is so cute!

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

So cool! And I're an amazing momma! LOVE the pic of Aedan...what a cutie. :)

Amanda said...

I made my own baby food! Super easy and SUPER cheap!! Still have some cubes in the freezer that the little turkey won't eat because he wants to only feed himself :)

The Haynes Family said...

sooo cute and yummy! We have a book of baby food recipes from williams sonoma if you'd like to borrow it. :) I took the easy way out and went with Earth's Best most of the time.