Mar 29, 2011

I Am That Mom…

You know…

photo 1

the one who see this…

photo 2

And immediately grabs the nearest camera (in this case iPhone)…

photo 3

And instead of helping her son out of this predicament…

photo 4

She begins to document the whole process (he is totally laughing in the one above by the way)…

photo 5

You know for the blog.

(Don’t worry, no little boys were injured in this process and in fact when I tried to take Aedan out of the basket he protested and wanted back in). :)

Oh and ignore the random box in the side of the picture, we ordered a light weight stroller last week and it came 24 hours later (gotta love Amazon Mom!). I’ll post about it soon.


1 comment:

Chelsa said...

i'm so that mom too!
cute pictures of mr aedan!