Jun 22, 2009

We had two, furry children this weekend

This last weekend we took care of our friend’s dog, Woodrow. Woodrow and Hiro are just about the exact same age and have been best friends since we got them 2 years ago. Whenever we say Woodrow’s name, Hiro perks up and looks at the front door. They absolutely love each other.


Taking care of the two of them together used to be pretty difficult. Neither one seemed to know how to calm down when they were together. We have had many sleepless weekends where they would literally play for 24 hours straight! This weekend we realized how much older and more mature they are. There were still a few gladiator type wars in our living room and a couch blanket may or may not have become the victim of a tug-a-war game, but they both did really well. They were able to calm down in the evenings and sleep all night instead of play all night.

Hiro and Woodrow are a bit demanding when it comes to attention…this is what most of the weekend looked like. Aren’t all three of them cute? I think so!




The Haynes Family said...

You have some handsome guys there! Jon isn't too bad-looking either ;) kidding!

Steven and I were just talking the other day about how we haven't been to visit you yet... :(. We'd love to see you over 4th of July weekend! Is there a good time we could come down to Austin? Please let us know!

The Haynes Family said...

August is better b/c we might (fingers crossed!) have a chance to see some of our Japan friends the weekend of the 25th. They're having their Iowa wedding reception that weekend. They were married in Hawaii in December and we couldn't go between Christmas/moving home/having a child so we're trying to make it up there to see them. I'll talk to Steven and let you know for sure. We can't wait to see your house and get the "Must See" tour of Austin! :)