Jun 25, 2009

Look What We Got

Remember when I mentioned that I wanted a Flip video recorder? Well my lovely husband did some researching and found this little guy for about the same price.

41NLfp- ELL._SL500_AA280_Not only is it a video recorder, it also takes still photos and has a zoom (something the flip does not have). The one perk that pretty much sold us on this one immediately, was that it is waterproof!!  Since we will probably be filming this little guy quite a bit and he LOVES the water, this is going to be perfect!


It just came last night so I haven’t had much time to play with it yet. We are planning on taking out to the Greenbelt this weekend…I am sure I will have some videos to post very soon! :)


1 comment:

Kristen said...

Oh fun! You'll have to let me know how it works. My husband has the Flip on his bday list for next month...I passed that right on to the in-laws!